JavaScript Engine

JavaScript Engine


2 min read

➤ A Simple answer to What is JavaScript Engine? A JavaScript engine is a software component that executes JavaScript code.

➤ The use of JavaScript engines is not limited to browsers. For example, the v8 Engine is a core component of the Node.js and Deno runtime systems.

➤ Any Web developer needs to be aware of the differences inherent in the browsers that display the code that is produced, debugged, and maintained. it’s important to understand why certain scripts may work slowly on one browser faster on another.

➤ The goal of a JavaScript engine’s code parsing and execution process is to generate the most optimized code in the shortest possible time.

➤ Once machine code is produced by the compilation process, the engine exposes all the data types, operators, objects, and functions specified in the ECMA standard to the browser or any runtime that needs to use them, like NativeScript.

➤ When V8 compiles JavaScript code, the parser generates an abstract syntax tree. A syntax tree is a tree representation of the syntactic structure of the JavaScript code. Ignition, the interpreter, generates bytecode from this syntax tree. TurboFan, the optimizing compiler, eventually takes the bytecode and generates optimized machine code from it.

Bytecode is an abstraction of machine code. Compiling bytecode to machine code is easier if the bytecode was designed with the same computational model.

➤ V8 has 2 compilers, Full-Codegen and Crankshaft. Full-Codegen parses JavaScript directly to machine code, without an intermediary language, allowing it to begin execution sooner. A JIT compiler called Crankshaft produces optimized code for hot methods. This means that in the same V8 program, different levels of optimized code coexist at the same time.

How the Chrome V8 Engine Translates JavaScript into Machine Code.

➤ There are different JavaScript engines including Rhino, JavaScriptCore, and SpiderMonkey. These engines follow the ECMAScript Standards. The V8 engine is written in C++ and used in Chrome and Nodejs.V8 can run standalone and at the same time we can add our own function implementation in C++ to add new features to JavaScript.

➤ Allowing us to write code in C++ and making it available to JavaScript makes it so we can add more features to JavaScript.

➤ Node.js in itself is a C++ implementation of a V8 engine allowing server-side programming and networking applications.


➤ Reached the end. This is How the Chrome V8 Engine Translates JavaScript into Machine Code. and about the JavaScript Engine.🌼🌷
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